The Louisville Agricultural Club was founded in 1948 by individuals from all areas of agriculture.
About Us
Promote fellowship and add to the knowledge and interest of farm life.
Serve as a forum for discussion of problems of vital concern to agriculture at the local, state and national levels.
Study problems of conservation, production, the marketing of farm products, and economics of farm life.
Study problems of conservation, production, the marketing of farm products, and economics of farm life.
Function as a committee on agriculture and to serve generally as a headquarters of agricultural interest in both Louisville and surrounding areas.
Bring the agricultural, agribusiness and industrial communities together and improve their mutual understanding of their complementary roles.
Encourage the hosting of festivals, fairs, livestock exhibits and similar events designed to promote public awareness of the contribution of agriculture.
Aid the efforts of club members who are farmers in producing and marketing the yield of their farms by facilitating the trading of ideas and the scheduling of informative programs at club meetings.
Promote cooperation between Louisville area distributors, processors, consumers and Kentuckiana farmers.
Encourage and support the education of young people interested in pursuing careers in agriculture and agriculture-related fields.
President - Dr. Jeffrey Young, UK Cooperative Extension Service
Vice President - Jennifer Elwell, Farm Scholar/TeachKyAg
Treasurer - David Trotter, Purdue Extension
Secretary - Phillis Mudd, Jefferson County Extension Service
Committee Chairs
Membership - David Trotter, Purdue Extension
Fundraising/Freddy Farm Bureau/NAILE - Bryce Roberts, Spencer County Extension Service
Public Affairs - Jennifer Elwell, Farm Scholar/TeachKyAg
Scholarships - Bryce Roberts, Spencer County Extension Service
Scholarship Judging - Doyle Cunningham, Cunningham Enterprises
Executive Committee
Roy Broyles, United Producers (retired)
Dennis Craig, Blackacre State Nature Preserve/Humana
Megan McCoun, Henry County Extension Service
John Johnson, USDA (retired)
Past President - Bill McCloskey, Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation
Past Presidents
1949 - H. L. Covert
1950 - H. V. Bastin
1951 - W. P. Tate
1952 - J. O. Matllick
1953 - S. W. Anderson
1954 - A. B. Sawyer, Jr.
1955 - Eugene Cochran
1956 - Clifford Pearce
1957 - Charlie Keen
1958 - H. Corley Brown
1959 - Charlie Wallace
1960 - Lloyd Clark
1961 - A. R. Parsons
1962 - James Perkins
1963 - W. N. England
1964 - William C. Johnstone
1965 - J. Ed Napier
1966 - Henry Fischer, Jr.
1967 - James M. Koepper
1968 - R. Fenley
1969 - John C. Turner
1970 - Jack Gardner
1971 - J. Harold Caudill
1972 - Ben Hermann
1973 - Mark Randall
1974 - David Williams
1975 - George Clark
1976 - Dennis Liptrap
1977 - Dr. Malcolm Barnes
1978 - Dean M. Wallace
1979 - H. Corley Brown
1980 - Ray Adams
1981 - Richard H. Cleveland
1982 - Howard Kamin
1983 - J. Walter Brown
1984 - David Beck
1985 - Amil Kleinert
1986 - Bob Welch
1987 - Stan Bridges
1988 - Tim Morgan
1989 - Ron Pryor
1990 - Bill Padon
1991 - David Lawyer
1992 - Larry Myers
1993 - Jim Whitaker
1994 - Jon Rieger
1995 - Sam Crawford
1996 - Robert Monk
1997 - Todd Barlow
1998 - Ron Thomas
1999 - Jim Naïve
2000 - Leland Brown
2001 - John Colliver
2002 - David Trotter
2003 - Johnny Franklin
2004 - Carl Kramer
2005 - Dick Poe
2006 - Al Bissmeyer
2007 - Kathy Dailey
2008 - Matt Michaud
2009 - Matt Michaud
2010 - Bill Medley
2011 - Jeff Hall
2012 - George Nowatka
2013 - Ed McQueen
2014 - Bruce Pearce
2015 - Bryce Roberts
2016 - Dwight Greenwell
2017 - Corinne Fetter
2018 - Phillip McCoun
2019 - Charlie Wallace
2020 - John Johnson
2021 - John Johnson
2022 - Bill McCloskey
2023 - Bill McCloskey
2024 - Dr. Jeff Young
Outstanding Service Award Winners
1986 - Dean Wallace
1987 - H. Corley Brown
1988 - Walter Brown
1989 - Bruce Pearce
1990 - Harold Workman
1991 - Charles L. Hamilton
1992 - Charles E. Keen
1993 - Jack Crowner
1994 - Barney Arnold
1995 - Howard Kamin
1996 - Chad Arterburn
1997 - Lillian Bryant
1998 - Paul McCarthy
1999 - Carl Dohn
2000 - Jim Naïve
2001 - Billy Ray Smith
2002 - Roy Gibson
2003 - Joe Huber, Jr.
2004 - Sen. Mitch McConnell
2005 - John Colliver
2006 - Ray Adams
2007 - Paul McCarthy
2008 - Jeff Hall
2009 - Jack Ragsdale
2010 - David Trotter
2011 - Al Bissmeyer
2012 - Amil Kleinert
2013 - C. Oran Little
2014 - Sen. Paul Hornback
2015 - Steve Moore
2016 - Dave Williamson
2017 - William “Bill” Tolle
2018 - Bryce Roberts
2019 - Warren Beeler
2020 - David Beck
2021 - Phillis Mudd
2022 - Dr. Garry Lacefield
2023 - Keith Rogers
Louisville Agricultural Club Secretary Phillis Mudd was honored with the Outstanding Service Award in 2021 for her dedication to club administration for many years. Pictured (left to right): Bill McCloskey, Bryce Roberts, John Johnson, Phillis Mudd, Charles Wallace, David Trotter, Jeffrey Young, and Keith Jeffries. Read more about Phillis.